Advanced Oil Painting with Ann (March-April 2025)

Advanced Oil Painting with Ann (March-April 2025)
Next session: Friday, March 14, 2025 | 12:00pm-3:00pm


 Fridays, March-April, 12:00–3:00 pm (8 week series)

Ann Cheeks encourages experienced oil painters to tap into their emotional response to their chosen subject. What is it about your chosen image that draws you to it? You will work on value studies, simplifying shapes, and finding your "voice" in your paintings. Please bring several printed reference photos and/or drawings to work from – the subject is your choice and should be something you know well and are interested in. You will create small studies and a larger painting in class.

Prime members free, Standard members $240

$40 for all materials due to the instructor at the start of class or bring your own paint, palette knives and brushes and pay $25 for additional materials.

Contact: Ann Cheeks

Members only.

The Center

Cancellation Policy: If you find that you cannot attend a class after registering, please let us know by emailing or contacting the Welcome Desk. Due to the need to purchase supplies in advance, cancellations with fewer than 7 days' notice will incur the materials fee. No-show Fee: Prime members will incur a $30 no-show fee for any uncancelled registrations in addition to the class’s materials fee.

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