Paint Loose I (2025)

Paint Loose I (2025)
Next session: Tuesday, March 11, 2025 | 10:00am-1:00pm


*Please note: March 4th and 11th will be a snow make-up days.  The Artist Reception will be held in the atrium on March 18th.

Linda Abbey teaches students drawing and watercolor painting using a big brush. Learn the skill of Betty Edward's Drawing on The Right Side of The Brain and how to put watercolor on paper. Students will have every step broken down, so all levels of artist are welcome! The final class will be a small art reception of the students' work. Material fee $15 due to the instructor at the start of class. Prime Members free, Standard Members $115.

Material Fee will Cover:

 Strathmore 500 Illustration lt vellum board              $5.00

 3 mats for the show                                                $10.00

Total:     $15                                                                   $

Students will learn: to see is to understand what they are looking at, why it is important, and how to put it on paper. From this step by step class, students cannot help but to succeed. 

MATERIAL LIST (Prices based off Cheap Joes, located in Boone, NC)

Sketchbook, Canson 9x12 Universal sketch pad 100 sheets      702-194     $   9.99 

White Factis erasers, 3 per pack                                                                    $   2.36


  Golden Fleece size 32 or 36 round brush                                   $  21.69

  Golden Fleece size 10 brush                                                      $    7.49

  Golden Fleece  size 6 brush                                                       $   5.99

  ¾ inch flat brush                                                                         $  12.59

  rigger size 2 or 3                                                                         $   7.00

 Palette knife size 44 or 40                                                           $   6.29  

PALETTE, white, Cheap Joes brand                           #400           $13.99

    Or any other brand of a covered palette with spaces for at least 9 different paints and a large area for mixing colors.


Arches 140 lb cold pressed is best.  You will need 8 sheets sized 15”x11”. 

I buy full sheets and tear them in quarters 15”x11”, to be taped on Masonite boards that I provide.

I got a deal of 25 sheets of  Arches 140 lb watercolor paper for $146.00!

And I am happy to sell two sheets to each student for  $12.00.  By tearing these full sheets into quarter sheets, there’s enough for all 8 classes.


Paints are all American Journey brand, a cool and warm yellow, blue, red and brown.  Hooker’s green is to make greens easier.  

                                                                          37ml tube   15ml tube

Cerulean Blue                          AJ1037-37           $22.19        $12.29

Ultramarine blue                      AJ1139-37           $12.79        $  7.99

Cadmium Red Light                AJ1025-37           $22.19        $12.29

Alizarin Crimson                      AJ1101-37           $14.59        $  8.89

Cadmium Yellow light             AJ1034-37           $15.99        $10.19

Yellow Ochre                           AJ1148-37           $11.29        $  7.09

Burnt Sienna                            AJ1016-37           $11.29        $  7.09

Burnt Umber                            AJ1019-37           $11.29        $  7.09

Hooker’s Green light               AJ1059-37           $14.59        $  8.89

Suggests the larger tubes, a better deal.  The paint does not dry out if you recap it tightly after squeezing out the amount you want.

Artist’s white tape                                                  AT-1                            $6.79

Sponges  set of 3 sponges                                                                $  8.59

Total materials cost:               with 37 ml tubes of paint         with 15 ml paint

                                                                      $217.29                          $162.89

Pencils  buy at Michaels.

Linda will provide students with vine charcoal, stick charcoal, pens, conte crayon and other drawing materials.  Linda will supply Strathmore Illustration board, Hake brushes, white wax candles, white acrylic paint, matte medium and tissue paper for the “snow” painting. She also provide the Masonite boards and water buckets.


Brief Bio on Instructor: Linda Abbey is a teacher of art. She taught 4th and 5th grade for 4 years. She was in Title 11 for 14 years in Virginia. She has taught Paint Loose for 17 years in Syracuse, NY, and Florence Italy. She developed the 8 lesson seeing what worked for her. When she learned to draw and paint, she was 36. She loves to see her students "get it".

Members only.

The Center

Cancellation Policy: If you find that you cannot attend a class after registering, please let us know by emailing or contacting the Welcome Desk. Due to the need to purchase supplies in advance, cancellations with fewer than 7 days' notice will incur the materials fee. No-show Fee: Prime members will incur a $30 no-show fee for any uncancelled registrations in addition to the class’s materials fee.

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