Handle With Care: Loving Letters Pen Pal Program

Handle With Care: Loving Letters Pen Pal Program
Next session: Thursday, August 22, 2024 | 10:00am-11:00am


4th Thursday of Each Month Beginning in May, 10:00-11:00 am

Handle With Care: Pen Pal Project with Loving Arms Home Care Inc. aims to combat loneliness and isolation among seniors by facilitating meaningful connections through written correspondence. Those in attendance would be able to become pen pals with those who live in the assisted living facilities of Charlottesville. Studies have shown that writing can reduce anxiety, encourage opening up, and promote cognitive health. Writing also uses fine motor skills and this can help alleviate pain symptoms for those who suffer from arthritis. Free for All.

Open to all.

The Center

RSVP: Loving Letters - July