Who Will Inherit the Mess?

Who Will Inherit the Mess?
Thursday, February 27, 2025 | 10:00am-11:00am


Would you like a tax efficient estate that makes it easy for the executor of your estate and avoids unnecessary family conflict? This interactive workshop helps participants understand the importance of accurate and up-to-date estate documents, the difference between a will and a trust, and why asset titles and beneficiaries matter.

Presenter Bio:

Kimberlee Barrett-Johnson, CFP, is the founding President of the Charlottesville Area Planned Giving Council and former President of the Central Virginia Estate Planning Council. She serves on the boards of local and non-profit organizations and is delights to provide education events to help members of our community create and maintain estate strategies that foster family harmony.

ArkWise Wealth, a Private Wealth Advisory Practice of Ameriprise Financial offers educational events to help members of our community make wise financial decisions.

Open to all.

The Center

Seats available: 49

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