Level One Walking

Next session: Friday, January 17, 2025 | 10:00am-11:00am
Time: Winter: October through April 10:00 am
Summer: May through September 9:00 am
Details: Center member and Nutrition and Wellness Counselor Gary Denny leads a group activity for folks who haven’t exercised in a while and would like to begin at an easy pace. Join others at the same level of physical fitness and have a good time outdoors. Feel free to bring a friend, they're welcome to join us. Email Gary for details and any questions you have. Free and open to all.
The activity is held Friday mornings at Pen Park in Charlottesville (about 1/2 mile from the Center.) Pen Park Location We will meet at the parking lot between the tennis courts and the club house.
For folks of average physical condition who are looking for a bit more of a hike at a moderate pace. We will be exploring the longer trails the park has to offer and will be walking on mostly unpaved trails. The pace and difficulty level would be considered moderate and will involve walking up and down some hills.
Special Activities:
Ivy Creek –Friday, February 14, 10 am
Join the Friday walking group at 10 am in the Ivy Creek parking lot for a fun trail walk. Bring someone you love for a fun, heart-healthy stroll!
Grelin Trails- Friday, March 21, 10 am
Join the Friday walking group at 10 am for a hike around the beautiful Grelin tree nursery. Followed by lunch together at The Market at Grelen's farm-to-table cafe.
Open to all.
Pen Park