Jazz Jam Session

Next session: Thursday, August 1, 2024 | 6:00pm-7:45pm
Meets the first Thursday of every month
A jazz jam session is a relatively informal musical event, in which musicians, including both instrumentalists and vocalists, who have not previously rehearsed their performance together, meet to play commonly known standard jazz tunes. The arrangements are created spontaneously by the musicians during performance. There is also a strong focus on individual improvised solos. Musicians may choose to participate in only one song or all songs during the evening.
The styles of jazz music performed during a single jam session can range widely – from early Dixieland jazz from the 1920’s, to big band swing of the 1930’s to 1940’s, popular Broadway tunes, Latin beats, Bebop and Cool jazz of the 1950’s to 1960’s and contemporary jazz from the 1970’s through to today. The jazz jam experience is a fun and educational experience for both participants and the audience. Participants get the chance to practice their jazz improvising skills in front of a live audience and meet other musicians in the local jazz community. Musicians of all abilities and ages from beginners to professionals are welcome to join in. The audience will likely hear some familiar jazz tunes but will also certainly discover new songs performed that they have not heard before.
Steve Brecker will head up this program. He has a music degree from University of Miami and has played jazz trumpet for 50+ years in a variety of music groups. He is a member of the Charlottesville based Sentimental Journey Big Band and the Charlottesville (Municipal) Band.
Free and open to all. Not a musician? Just come and listen!
Open to all.
The Center