The Center Council Meeting

The Center Council Meeting
Next session: Monday, September 9, 2024 | 1:00pm-2:00pm


The Center Council is comprised of program leaders and is a liaison group between members, staff, and the Board of Directors. The president of the Council sits on the Board. The mission of the Council is to communicate the policies, plans and decisions of the Board of Directors to the membership; to inform the membership about activities and events of all groups/programs at The Center; and to act as an advisory council to The Center staff and Board of Directors on membership, programming, and other issues. The Center Council meets once a month at 1:00 p.m. All Center members are welcome to attend.

For more information, please visit The Center Council webpage.

Upcoming Meeting Dates:

Sep 9-  meeting will not be held the 1st Monday of Sep. because of holiday/Center closing
Oct 7
Nov 4
Dec 2
Jan 6
Feb 3
Mar 3

Members only.

The Center