Model Call for Fall Fashion Show

Model Call for Fall Fashion Show
Next session: Friday, August 23, 2024 | All Day


Registration due by September 16.

Calling all models and fashionistas to walk in our Fall Fashion show with Twice is Nice! Models will have the priviledge of picking out their own outfits for the fashion show. Each model will pick out and put together two Fall outfits from Twice is Nice to strut their stuff in our Fall Fashion Show. Mandatory Model Rehearsal will be held Thursday October 3, 1:30-2:30 pm. The Fashion Show will be held at The Center on October 10, 4:30 pm.

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Register to model below.

More information:

Mandatory Model Rehearsal will be held Thursday October 3, 1:30-2:30 pm – Rehearsal is MANDATORY. If you do not attend this meeting, you will not be able to walk in The Fashion Show.

Outfits: Models have the privilege of picking out their own outfits at either Twice is Nice location, 918 Preston or 923 Preston, including accessories, for the show! Models will pick two fall inspired outfits for the fashion show. Both outfits must be picked between the dates of September 16 and October 2. Do not go to pick out your outfits before or after that time period, as they will have a list of who to be looking for – when you enter the Twice is Nice store, please immediately inform the workers that you are a model for the Fashion show and give them your name. Then you can start shopping! Pick out whatever two outfits you would want to wear in the fashion show – use your creativity to set some Fall trends! Once you have picked up your outfits, please let the staff know and fill out a form I will send to you regarding what is in the bag and more information about you. Please give your bag of clothes and information to the Twice is Nice employee as they will collect everyone’s outfits and Olivia Watts will retrieve them. You must pick out your fashion show outfits at either Twice is Nice location by October 2, before 5 pm. If you wish to purchase your outfit(s), you may do so after the fashion show at 25% off. 

The Fashion Show will be held at The Center on October 10, 4:30 pm – Models will report earlier than the start time of the show at 2:45 pm.

Open to all.

The Center