Forgotten Disruptive Technology Part II

Forgotten Disruptive Technology Part II
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 | 1:00pm-3:00pm


September 10, 1:00-3:00 pm

Modern life has been affected profoundly by many disruptive technologies that do not enjoy a prominent position in most history books such as refrigeration, roads, and rotary printing presses. Mechanical refrigeration transformed the way food is cultivated, prepared, and distributed to consumers. Roads suitable for motor vehicles enabled a flexible transportation system that weakened the rigidity and power of the rail system to determine where economic activity occurs. Rotary printing presses made mass literature possible and encouraged mass literacy; they facilitated a national press and national advertising; they stimulated mail-order merchandising. The program with Hank Perritt will discuss all three technologies, the inventors and influencers behind them, and their impact on society.

Hank Perritt: Retired law professor and law dean, author of 25 books and 100 law review articles on law and technology and other subjects. Former member of Telecommunications and Computer Science Board of the National Academic of Sciences. Extra-class radio amateur; commercial helicopter, private instrument airplane, and UAS pilot; patent lawyer.

Open to all.

The Center

Seats available: 41

RSVP: Forgotten Disruptive Technology Part II