Intermediate Acrylic Impressionist Painting 

Intermediate Acrylic Impressionist Painting 
Next session: Tuesday, April 23, 2024 | 2:00pm-4:00pm


Tuesdays April 2-April 30, 2:00-4:00 pm

Joanne Coleman has intermediate students impressionist paint with acrylics. Enhance your technique of mixing colors to achieve secondary and tertiary colors, enrich your brush technique to achieve impressionist style of painting, and better your ability to create textures associated with the impressionist style. Prime Members Free, Standard Members $45, Guests $60. Material List Below.

Material List:

  1. Acrylic Paint- brands of Liquitex or Golden preferred.

      Colors: red, yellow, cerulean blue, ultramarine blue, purple, pink, white, black, and turquoise.

  1. Canvas stretched on wood frame-(NOT CANVAS BOARD) , size at least 12x16, number of canvas depends on how quickly the student finishes the painting
  2. Brushes- They can be synthetic but if the student has or can afford sable that is great. Size- 1 inch flat brush or similar size, several round brushed ranging from tiny with a fine point to a large round brush. Fan brush.
  3. Pallete for paint application and mixing
  4. Water container to rinse brushes
  5. Photos of landscapes or still life that you would like to paint

Open to all.

The Center

Cancellation Policy: If you find that you cannot attend a class after registering, please let us know by emailing or contacting the Welcome Desk. No-show Fee: Prime members will incur a $30 no-show fee for any uncancelled registrations.

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