Seascapes Painting

Seascapes Painting
Next session: Thursday, May 2, 2024 | 12:30pm-3:00pm


Thursdays, April 25-May 30

In this class students will learn with Katie Hutter how to paint water effectively, the components of a wave, how to effectively paint a wave curl, and what makes a good, strong composition by reviewing examples by some of the great oil painting masters. Material List Below. Prime Members Free, Standard Members $45, Guests $60.


Materials: warm and cool of each: Red, Yellow, Blue; burnt umber/ashphaltum; white; Brushes: a variety of flats, filberts, rounds and a liner brush; palette knife, sponge, paper towels; canvas or primed panels; Gamsol or odorless mineral spirits in a lidded jar, refined linseed oil in an eyedropper, optional Liquin® 

Open to all.

The Center

Cancellation Policy: If you find that you cannot attend a class after registering, please let us know by emailing or contacting the Welcome Desk. Due to the need to purchase supplies in advance, cancellations with fewer than 7 days' notice will incur the materials fee. No-show Fee: Prime members will incur a $30 no-show fee for any uncancelled registrations in addition to the class’s materials fee.

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