Hate Crimes and Extremism: What can we do about it?

Hate Crimes and Extremism: What can we do about it?
Next session: Wednesday, January 24, 2024 | 5:30pm-7:30pm


This 6-week course will teach you about many of the forces behind hate crimes and extremism and some strategies to address these forces.  

Each workshop includes an informational presentation and ample time for discussion. The program will be facilitated by Taylor Frome, executive director of The Mediation Center of Charlottesville.

Come to one, or come to all! Free and open to the community.

January 17- Preventing Violent Extremism 

January 24– High Conflict- and how we can dial it down 

January 31 – Conflict Entrepreneurs 

February 7– Feelings and Facts 

February 21 – The Influencers 

February 28 – Free Speech, Hate Speech, and Censorship 

Open to all.

The Center