Celebration of Tales 2024

Celebration of Tales 2024
| 10:00am-6:00pm


Join a diverse community of storytellers as they present the second annual Celebration of Tales. Help us to build a stronger, deeper, and more inclusive community by joining the celebration. Hear diverse and enchanting stories from Native American, African American, Appalachian and Latinx cultures and learn the craft yourself though workshops.

For a full schedule and all the details, please visit the Celebration of Tales website, here

Note: If you register for a family ticket , please write to: celebrationoftales@gmail.com  We need to know the names of the family members who will be attending so that we have admission buttons ready when you arrive.

Open to all.

The Center

Pay for this event

Celebration of Tales 2024

Adult $25.00
Child $10.00
Family $50.00