Easy Hikes and Adventures (Level One Walking)

Easy Hikes and Adventures (Level One Walking)
Next session: Friday, March 28, 2025 | 10:00am-11:00am


Time:   Winter:      October through April  10:00 am

            Summer:    May through September 9:00 am


Is it a social activity or is it an exercise program?  You be the judge.  Come join in the camaraderie and meet interesting new people while getting a little exercise in the process. We meet weekly on Friday mornings, generally at Penn Park (click on link for map), but sometimes we’ll head off and explore some of the other wonderful parks in the area.  Additional adventures may include having a picnic or heading off to a restaurant or coffee after the hike.  Be sure to check the Special Activities section listed below for our off-site hikes & dates. 

 This activity is ideal for folks of average physical condition.  We explore some of the many trails the parks have to offer and will be walking on mostly unpaved trails.  The pace and difficulty level would be considered moderate and will involve walking up and down some hills.  A typical hike averages around 2 ¼ miles and lasts around an hour.

 Join others at the same level of physical fitness and have a good time outdoors! Feel free to bring a friend, they're welcome to join us! Email Gary for details and any questions you have.

 Free and open to all.

Registration Required.

Register on MyActiveCenter

 Meeting place for hikes:

Penn Park: Drive into the park and go past the tennis courts on your left.  Turn left into the large parking lot and park near the sidewalk leading to the restrooms.  We leave promptly at the times noted above, so arrive early if possible.


Special Activities: Meeting location posted with event info (see below.)

Special Activities:

Preddy Creek Park – Friday, April 11, 10:00 am  (Rain Date – Friday, April 25, 10:00 am)

Let’s adventure out to this excellent hiking park in upper Albemarle County.  Meet in the parking lot of Preddy Creek Park.  Location Map  Immediately after, we will proceed to Gary & Libby's for a potluck picnic lunch!  Be sure to mark your calendars.  Please RSVP for the potluck and let me know what dish you would like to bring.  Mains & Sides should be relatively healthy choices.  Desserts can be as decadent as you like.


Ivy Creek Park - Friday, May 23, 9:00 am  (Rain Date – Friday, May 30, 9:00 am)

Explore another of Albemarle County’s premier parks, and it's just down the road from the Center! Meet in the parking lot at Ivy Creek Park. Location  

Open to all.

Penn Park or See Details Above for Special Activities