Ranked Choice Voting Saturday

Saturday, April 26, 2025 | 11:00am-12:30pm
In June 2025, Charlottesville City is holding its first ranked-choice voting election. Join us for an informative presentation and discussion about how ranked-choice voting works and why communities across the country are using it to build consensus on the issues that matter most.
This hour-long session that includes:
- a 20-minute presentation on ranked-choice voting and its use around the country
- a 15-minute mock election exercise where participants practice filling out an RCV ballot and seeing the results
- 20-25 minutes for questions and discussion
Speaker Sally Hudson served Charlottesville and Albemarle in the General Assembly for four years and carried the legislation that now authorizes local governments to use ranked-choice voting. She also taught in UVA’s School of Public Policy for eight years.
Open to all.
The Center
Seats available: 56