First-Wind Band

Next session: Thursday, March 27, 2025 | 10:30am-12:30pm
Learn new musical skills or revitalize old ones with the First-Wind Band. All you need is the desire to learn to play an instrument! This is the ideal beginner level band to learn a new instrument or dust off your old school band instrument and brush up on your playing skills. Under the direction of Bob Dunnenberger, the band rehearses each Thursday from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm. Interested, but no instrument? We have several for rent. Playing music is not only fun but is good for your mental and physical health. Ask any of the members and they’ll tell you that it keeps them active and involved and is a great way to make new friends. RECRUITING NEW MEMBERS, COME JOIN US! Open to all for a one-year trial period. After the first year, participants are required to be a member of The Center.
Whether you're an accomplished player or have never picked up an instrument, we've got a band for you.
Registration required on MyActiveCenter
Contact: Bob Dunnenberger at
Open to all.
The Center