Celebrating the United Nations: Does U.S. Funding Matter?

Celebrating the United Nations: Does U.S. Funding Matter?
Tuesday, October 22, 2024 | 5:00pm-6:00pm


The U.S. is the largest contributor to United Nations budgets. What are the costs and benefits of this support and what would be the impact if American funding were curtailed? For many years this funding stream has been under attack in Congress. Monika Chill, Senior Associate for Community Engagement, discusses the threat.

Monika Chill is the Senior Associate for Community Engagement at the United Nations Association of the USA. Her work in support of UNA community chapters and community membership is focused on local efforts to encourage full participation by the USA in the UN and in supporting full and timely funding of the UN and its agencies. Her presentation will focus on the costs and benefits of US funding and the impact of possible funding cuts to the 2024 budget. 

This program is in partnership with the United Nations Association of the USA - Blue Ridge Virginia Chapter.

Open to all.

The Center

RSVP: Celebrating the United Nations (Oct. 22)